Although rock mechanics addresses many of the rock mechanics issues which arise in underground mining engineering, it is not a text exclusively for mining applications. Mechanization of underground mining, particularly mechanization of the excavation process, is an objective that can result in significant cost reductions and higher levels of profitability for underground mines. Rock mechanics study of shaft stability and pillar mining. Rock mechanics and ground control for underground mining. The numerous exercises and examples familiarize the reader with solving basic practical problems in rock mechanics through various design analysis. The course focuses on various topics of the mining industry, and you will be exposed to various touch points of mining engineering, that include hard rock mining, ventilation, rock mechanics and geology, mine planning, openpit and underground mining methods, logistics and marketing, as well as environmental management.
Typically, underground mine has less environmental impact. Developed for a complete class in rock engineering, design analysis in rock mechanics, second edition uniquely combines the design of surface and underground rock excavations and addresses. Pdf rock mechanics for underground mining mining engineering is an obvious candidate for application of rock mechanics principles in the design of excavations generated by mineral extrac tion. As a global leader in rock mechanics, respecs engineering team is a. Mining planning layout of underground excavations such as tunnelsdrifts and othe spaces.
It provides an international forum for the publication of high quality papers on the subject of rock mechanics and the application of rock mechanics principles and techniques to mining and civil engineering projects built on or in rock masses. A study on rock mechanics in salt mining, this work includes coverage of the exploration and opening of salt mining, deformation and failure of the salt, strata mechanics and control for different mining systems, and stability analyses of the mine structures. Recent improvements are described in several techniques for ground control in underground mining. Research areas include the design and performance of intrinsic support systems, the performance of standing support systems, surface control systems, and the effects and mitigation of horizontal stress. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. It consists of five categories of topics on the science and practice of rock engineering. Because deposits in sedimentary rocks are commonly layered and relatively less hard, the mining methods used differ from those used to mine deposits in igneous or metamorphic rocks see underground mining. The theme is mining in adverse conditions using stateoftheart technology. Underground soft rock mining is a group of underground mining techniques used to extract coal, oil shale, potash and other minerals or geological materials from sedimentary soft rocks. Practical application of support systems to address weak rock mass in underground mines update barnard foo micon international limited, suite 205, 700 west pender street, vancouver, b. Mining mining ebooks pdf download free 2015 mining books international news mining engineering indian law canadian mining journal mining journals international careers australia gate papers mining engineer competitive exams india national news underground.
Roomandpillar mining pillars of original bedrock are left to support rock pressures and to protect personnel. Coal deposits, for instance, live in relatively soft sedimentary rock. This is a book introducing the basic theory of rock mechanics and its application in underground mining engineering. Promising methods for analysis and mitigation of rockbursts are discussed. As it has been for 12 years, the handbook is available as a free download from.
Rock mechanics challenges in underground construction and mining p. Rock mechanics is the science dealing with the stability of rock structures. There have been some notable successes in the development of mechanical underground excavation in hardrock. Application of rock mechanics in surface and underground. Rock mechanics challenges in underground construction and mining. Underground mining methods and technology, volume 1 1st. Rock mechanics for underground mining springerlink. Rock mechanics and ground control for underground mining and construction authors b. Geomechanics classification system, also known as the rock.
Gold deposits live in igneous or metamorphic rock, which is relatively hard, as do diamonds, copper, silver, nickel and zinc source. Over the past decade 1963 1973, there has been a change of emphasis in the field of rock mechanics from a purely theoretical approach to the practical solution of problems which occur in the mining industry. By the new stone age,humans had progressed to underground mining in systematic openings 2 to 3 ft 0. Kim the unique image, created for deep science to reflect as the miners headlamp casts light on subterranean darkness, research in deep underground laboratories illuminates many of the most compelling questions in. The book fundamentals of rock mechanics by jaeger and cook, 3 rd edition is a classic that you may want to have it in your library if you are planning practicing rock mechanicsengineering.
The purpose of this paper is to assess the current status of rock. Deep hard rock mining and rock mechanics challenges. Applied rock mechanics for underground mining stresses around simple openings determining rock properties rock mass characterization design and selection of rock supports rock failure criteria roclab software ore dilution estimation and control rockburst control destress blasting. Practical work experience specifically related to mining or civil rock mechanics projects is a requirement. Handbook, published in june 2000, to assist miners and engineers in the difficult world of hard rock mining. This book contains highquality papers from the principal mining research institutes of the usa, united kingdom, india and south africa, thus providing uptodate coverage of underground mining and technology in the main mining areas of the world. The role of the rock mechanics engineer in the mining industry.
These projects include slopes, openpit mines, quarries, shafts, tunnels, caverns, underground mines. Rock mechanics for underground mining, 3rd edition b. Editorsinchief, international journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences imperial college london, london, united kingdom send an email to robert zimmerman. Rock mechanics challenges in underground construction and. Geotechnical considerations in underground miningdepartment of industry and resources guideline document no zme723qt 1. It is the only reference ive found that covers the whole gamut of ug salt mining. Deep hard rock mining and rock mechanics challenges e.
The whole book systematically introduces structure and category of rock mass, intensity of rock and rock mass and its deformation properties, initial stress state of rock and stress analysis method, the application and deformation of rick engineering, as well as numerical. Todays top 117 rock mechanics jobs in united states. Design analysis in rock mechanics, 2nd edition avaxhome. There are hardrock underground mines, and there are softrock underground mines. Other books that could be useful and are kept at the library are rock slope engineering by e hoek and j w bray 2 nd edition. The primary objective of underground mining is to extract ore safely and economically while minimizing handling of waste rock.
To send an email to robert zimmerman please complete the short form below. In the continuing effort to improve efficiency and safety in mining, this science is replacing the previous trialand. No part of this ebook may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any. The 19th international mining congress and fair of turkey, imcet2005, izmir, turkey, june 0912, 2005. There are two missions for rock mechanics to accomplish in mining engineering.
Abstractrock mass classification is widely used throughout the underground mining industry in both coal and hard rock mines. Preparing and implementing a tailings storage facility operations manual workshop. This is an essential reference for anyone planning and underground salt mine. Home application of rock mechanics in surface and underground mining last updated 23092014 application of rock mechanics in surface and underground mining. Mechanics in surface and underground mining is an endeavour to comprehensively assimilate the. Reflecting the international and diverse nature of the industry, a series of mining case studies is presented covering the commodity range from iron ore to diamonds extracted by operations located in all corners of the world. Yamatomi encyclopedia of life support systems eolss figure 2. It has proved impossible to combine these two parameters in terms of. Budavari, south african institute of mining and metallurgy edition, in english.
Chamber of mines certificate in rock engineering paper 1. Combine thinly laminated roof into a thicker, stronger unit. As illustrated by figure 10a for a deep tunnel, tensile fracturing circles is largely confined to the inner hell of about 1. The niosh mining program has conducted research on a number of issues pertaining to ground support. International journal of rock mechanics and mining.
Underground mining methods presents the latest principles and techniques in use today. Introduction to mining enterprises university of pretoria. Hardrock underground mining how underground mining. Although rock mechanics for underground mining addresses many of the rock mechanics issues that arise in underground mining engineering, it is not a text exclusively for mining applications. The responsibilities of the rock mechanics engineer in the mining industry, and the available computer programs and their applications. Nordlund 42 ground support 20, perth, australia the general failure mechanisms observed in the kristineberg mine are shown in figure 3 and described by krauland et al. Civil engineering project like mines, dam, can be constructed properly with sound and in depth knowledge of existing nature in advance. This work resulted from close collaboration between industry and university in the. Although rock mechanics addresses many of the rock mechanics issues which arise in underground mining engineering, it is not a text exclusively for mining. A primary concern in mining operations, either on surface or underground, is loosely termed ground control, i. Based on extensive professional research and teaching experience, this book will provide an authoratative and comprehensive text for final year. Unesco eolss sample chapters civil engineering vol.
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